Happy New Year and New Decade! Welcome to 2020! Introducing our new Logo.
We are proud to announce the launch of the Barlop’s New Company Logo.
From Its humble beginnings over 37 years ago our business has grown and evolved to one of the leading dealerships in South Florida and as we enter the new Decade we felt it was time for a change. That is why in 2020, as our Company has evolved significantly, we decided our look should too!
We have refreshed our logo, with a more modern look but kept our trademark B, and over our history we have made slight changes to our logo to reflect the times. In a collaborative effort our marketing team worked to find something that projected a crisp, modern, and smart look, but still recognizable to our loyal, long time partners.
Our mission is and has always been to deliver excellent quality, performance and service support across the products we provide, including our newest ventures,including the addition of Managed IT Services and Telephony Services.
You will be seeing the new look updated throughout all of our communications, like our website, social media, service vehicle fleet and soon you’ll see it in all of our products, as well. The task in the upcoming months will be to update all our collateral, uniforms, machines, business cards, etc. with our new logo.
We realize that changing our logo is a process that can involve many steps and take some time, we also believe the new look better matches what we’ve become since 1983: a partner of business technology, services and solutions you can trust and value.
If you use our logo in any of your marketing materials or forms, please assist us in updating them. We appreciate your kind support. If you have any questions, or need the logo in high resolution please feel free to email michele@barlop.com