In this trans-formative period of Remote work, find out how law firms can rely on technology

It is a trans-formative time for the legal profession and technology can and should play a critical role in this transformation. The impact of technology on the way we live, work, and conduct business is pervasive

The disruptive impact of the coronavirus pandemic is reverberating throughout the United States economy. Due to the pandemic, the legal services industry, like nearly all sectors of the economy, is currently in a time of immense change. Enormous pressures to control cost, increase efficiencies, and continue to deliver quality legal services are mounting, while, at the same time, lawyers and alternative service providers are confronted with the difficult realities of (often) working remotely, managing home responsibilities, and remaining vigilant about physical and emotional health. It is arguably a trans-formative time for the profession. And legal technology can and should play a critical role in this transformation.


Benefits of Technology:


1. Allows Earlier (and more accurate) Risk Assessment


2. Saves Time


3. Identify holes or gaps in documents and legal analyses.


4. Reduces Attorney Stress and Frustration


5. Improves Client Relationships


6. Controls costs


7. Promote efficiency

Business solutions and technology that are customer-centric, agile, align providers with the clients/customers they serve, leverage data, invest in training their client’s workforce, mend technology with human resources to optimize performance, and derive profit from performance and customer satisfaction.

The legal industry is transforming into a diverse global marketplace where legal practice—differentiated skills and expertise possessed by some lawyers—is separated from “the business of delivering legal services. Practice is shrinking and delivery is expanding—in no small part because technology and business expertise are reshaping the contours of practice and identifying, then implementing, innovative delivery models. These new models operate at the intersection of law, technology, and business; promote efficiency; predict risk; gauge value; reduce cost while mitigating risk; and “right-source” resource to task.

What Benefits can you law firm reap by adopting more technology & solutions from Barlop?

Services & Solutions

  • Workflow Solutions for Legal                         Capture, transform and manage your legal information — no matter the format.

  • Litigation Support                               We’ll help you organize, analyze and present case materials as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • Document Processing Services for Legal Hand off your high-end document creation and word processing for a fast, reliable, cost-effective solution.

  • Cost Recovery Print, copy and scan with real-time reporting and accurate cost allocation.                                                                    

  • Legal Advanced Workflow Scan and manage your information — and be better prepared for electronic court filings.                                            

  • IT Services Proactively manage your network and servers with our remote monitoring services.